= Mosquitto sub/pub = We sub and put in queue then create thread to read the queue [attachment:mosq_feed_ex.py] Test with for loop in bash {{{ [krit@mini Mqtt]$ for i in {1..10}; do mosquitto_pub -h mq1.mycompany.com -u userName -P mypassword -t "/mycompany/ActDAS/test" -m "{\"id\": $i}"; done }}} = Mosquitto sub cmd We sub for waiting cmd pub from client using this [attachment:mosq_sub_cmd_v1.py] {{{ krit mez tmp$ mosquitto_pub -h host -u user -P password -t 'kmitlt108/cmd' -m '{"id":1, "cmd":"echo 1 > /tmp/out.txt"}' krit mez tmp$ }}}