= MQTT with Redis = Ref [https://github.com/jllopis/docker-mosquitto here] We can get the whole folder by [attachment:docker-mosquitto-master.tar file] 1. get the hash key with following command {{{ krit@mini ~$ docker run -it docker-mosquitto-master_mosquitto np -p mypassword PBKDF2$sha256$901$9QuSsTtUWxCQZYN1$AqEXxC19zJcjcsaHUvSPzAIZA+zq0ccT }}} 2. get the ip address of redis-mosq docker by {{{ krit@mini ~$ docker inspect redis-mosq }}} 3. add user to redis-mosq with command "set user password" as follow {{{ krit@mini ~$ docker exec -it redis-mosq sh -c 'exec redis-cli -h "" -p "6379"'> set krit PBKDF2$sha256$901$9QuSsTtUWxCQZYN1$AqEXxC19zJcjcsaHUvSPzAIZA+zq0ccT> quit }}}