= Write Naemon Log = We can write to naemon.log file by issue command {{{ #!sh OMD[monitor@501264b41d2d]:~/var/naemon$ pwd /omd/sites/monitor/var/naemon OMD[monitor@501264b41d2d]:~/var/naemon$ echo "[$(date +%s)] User Activity msg TEST log" >> naemon.log }}} Linux command '''date +%s''' will print time in current time since Epoch 1970 In C program, we can implement this function with bash shell via '''system( bash cmd )''' {{{ #!C int writeLogFile( char *msg ) { char str_msg[1024]; sprintf( str_msg, "echo \"[%d] User Activity %s \" >> /omd/sites/monitor/var/naemon/naemon.log",(int)time(NULL), msg); printf(str_msg); system(str_msg); return 0; } }}}